Tim Hamons

Art of Awakening

Every drawing is a gift
Categories: Creativity
Experience: 6 to 10 years

Tim Hamons is a visual thinking strategist and visual storyteller, He has over 20 years of experience as a trainer, facilitator and visual thinker with the tools and processes to spark ideas and bring your important conversations to life through graphic facilitation, graphic recording, and interactive training and keynotes.
Over the past 25 years, he has worked with over 100 organizations and leadership teams across a broad range of industries (including Healthcare, Tech, finance, consulting,) to clarify their challenges, navigate changes, and articulate future visions using maps, models and visual stories.
He has trained and consulted with over 500 professionals in 15 countries using his strategic frameworks on visual facilitation. Over the past 7 years, He has created visual strategy maps in over 700 meetings. He is the creator of “Visual Facilitation Lab” a training that empowers leaders, and professionals with the mindset and toolset to navigate the dynamic and complex landscapes of business, leadership, and change through visual sensemaking.
As a visual facilitator, he uses visual and creative tools to capture and synthesize stories and ideas, helping groups to discover shared meaning, common objectives, and experience deeper learning and engagement in their business and learning events. As a speaker and trainer, he uses live sketching and drawing in his presentations to frame the key messages and build interactive storytelling.
He is passionate about inspiring individuals. leaders and teams to change the world with a marker in their hands.
Speaking: Visual Leadership, A clearer picture of your purpose, Embrace your bad drawing, Visual tools for productivity
Visual Facilitation Lab2 days of visual thinking and facilitation best practice. He has run his signature training “Visual Facilitation Lab” to over 400 graduates over 5 countries throughout SE Asia
Graphic FacilitationI work with you group to design and deliver a strategy session, branding conversation, team process or brainstorming. We lead the meeting or will work with your facilitator, listen intently to the conversations, and draw out the key ideas and concepts visually on large format boards, using color, icons, metaphors and story elements. The large charts are visible and accessible to the group, allowing for deeper dialogue into the process and encouraging divergent and convergent thinking, working through conflicts, and reaching decisions from a big-picture perspective.
I am always open to collaborations and opportunities to learn and grow together.
Specialties: visual communication, innovation, design and delivery adult and youth training, creative thinking, visual thinking workshops, and interactive keynotes, graphic facilitation.

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