Philip Merry


Integrating Head AND Heart for Transformative Results
Experience: > 20 years

Transformative Change – Shifting Habits & Mindsets
Synchronicity & Intuitive Leadership
High Performing Teams
Global Cross-Cultural Leaders; LeadtheFuture & Strategic Foresight.
EXPERIENCE Philip is recognized as one of the world’s top global cross cultural leadership and team change consultants; one global CEO said, “I rate Philip Merry among the top ten percent of consultants I have ever worked with, and the best on leadership issues in cross-cultural settings.”
With 40 years experience in 59 countries helping leaders and teams in global organisations navigate the process of change, Philip is well known for his ability to help different cultures work together and engage head AND heart in the change process. He is a team coach, consultant, trainer, speaker and facilitator with some of the world’s leading organisations and is a senior United Nations consultant. With a unique ability to help people find solutions to situations where human issues are impacting business results, Philip inspires and puts people at their ease, establishing a learning climate where people are motivated to be their best. Participants talk about the magic that Philip is able to weave during a program, and the impactful memories they have of him.
Partner with Belbin Team Profiling, and a certified consultant in HeartMath, Dr Joe Dispenza’s NeuroChangeSolutions, Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Coaching, Cultural Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry Philip is well equipped with with leading concepts to help people change habits and behaviours, transform stress, build resilience and improve personal effectiveness by using practices based on neuroscience in order to thrive in today’s exciting volatile world.
A certified family/marriage counsellor, author of Search for Singapore’s Happiest People, Career Self Leadership and Building High Performing Teams, Philip is the only person with a grounded theory PhD in Synchronicity and Leadership and is a world leader in this cutting edge research in the field of Quantum Leadership. British by birth Philip has lived and worked in Asia for the last 32 years.
“Strengthen Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Resilience, Face Fear, Enhance Energy, and Improve Ability to cope in a Crisis”
At this time all of us are experiencing a great deal of stress but none more so than frontline hospital staff. They are face-to-face with this difficult virus and experience every day stressful situations that deplete their energy. This unique webinar Resilience Advantage was developed by the HeartMath Institute – a world leader in heart energy and resilience research. HeartMath uses its unique scientific research with leading health care organisations, military, police and first responders all over the world helping them deal with high-stress situations. Participants will learn skills that will help them renew energy in real-time. No need to retreat to meditate, these unique techniques will help renew energy “on the go” in the middle of difficulties and crisis.
Learn more about program: https://learning.corporatetrainerconnect.com/product/emotional-resilience-the-resilience-advantage/

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