Choong SinFatt

Noveltage Consulting

Agile Redesigned - Changing the way business and IT practice Agile Transformation | Design Thinking | Design Sprint | LEGO® Serious Play®
Categories: Agile Technology
Experience: > 10 years

A Principal Consultant at Noveltage Consulting, Sin Fatt is a Design Thinking and Agile strategist and practitioner, championing innovative ways to adopt Design Driven Agile. He has over 20 years of IT development, pre-sales , consulting and training experience. His approach to redesigning Agile learning has helped organisations improve the way product teams deliver products that customers love.

SinFatt is also a trainer and workshop curriculum designer. His workshops include  “Agile Redesigned” product line which includes:  Design Sprint with Scrum, Design Thinking using LEGOâ Serious Playâ methods, SAFeâ PI Planning using LEGO© Serious Play© methods, Agile Discovery using LEGO© Serious Play© methods.

SinFatt is a certified adult educator holding a WSQ Advance Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA). He is also a certified LEGO © Serious Play © and AJ&Smart Design Sprint 2.0 © facilitator and workshop designer.

Online Courses Available:

1. Design Thinking |LEGO© Serious Play©

Most organizations take a traditional approach to user research. Using a researcher to act as a middle-man between users, designers, and business stakeholders. A researcher conducts user interview, observation etc. In the process, users are not fully consulted, and not given the freedom to express their thought.

How Might We bring the user into the Design team, give them a tool to express their thought, to help the team to discover the user experience together in a highly engaging, open and creative environment?

Co-Discover User Experience is the alternate approach and LEGO© Serious Play© method is the revolutionary method that can help to facilitate the process.

Learn more at this link: https://learning.corporatetrainerconnect.com/product/design-thinking-lego-serious-play/

2. Design Sprints For Agile Scrum Teams

You could have been practising Agile development for a while, do you see the results you envision? What are missing in your Agile practices? Besides delivering products faster than before, do you think your customers actually use your products? How much do you know about the experience that your customers interact with your product or service?

Many of the Agile transformation champions I have come across do share with me many common pitfalls in their Agile journey. The success is only very limited to the product delivery team. They are able to deliver products fast, but the gap between their product and customer experience is still very much exist. My observation is:

Agile Scrum alone is no guarantee that your team will consistently deliver truly engaging, impactful products.

  • How Might We turn a Product-Centric Scrum team into Customer-Centric team that builds products and services customer actually use?
  • How Might We bring the Design team and Development together, all work in a guided process that gives them a tool to express their thought, to help the team to discover the user experience together in a highly engaging, open and creative environment?

Learn more about this online course at this link: https://learning.corporatetrainerconnect.com/product/design-sprints-for-agile-scrum-teams/

  • Design Sprint 2.0 Facilitator Jul 10 2019
    Certified AJ& Smart Design Sprint 2.0 Facilitator
  • Advanced Certification of Design Thinking Nov 30 -0001
  • Scaled Agile Framework Program Consultant SAFe SPC 4 Nov 30 -0001
  • Design Thinking For Results Nov 30 -0001
  • Certified LEGO Serious Play Facilitator Nov 30 -0001
  • Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Master Nov 30 -0001
  • Scrum Alliance Certified Product Owner Nov 30 -0001
  • • WSQ Advance Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) Nov 30 -0001
  • English
  • Chinese
A Design Sprint is a 4-day process for rapidly solving big challenges, creating new products, or improving existing ones. It compresses potentially months of work into a few days.
How does Design Sprint looks like? How Might We sell Design Sprint in our organization?
In this one day workshop, you will experience a fun and hands on introduction to Design Sprints, ideal for those who have not experienced the method before and want to experience a better way to solve complex problems.

After being explained the why and what is Design Sprints by our experienced facilitator, you will go through the specially crafted Design Sprint exercises together as a Design Team.

At the end of the is workshop, you will be able to :
- Understand the core principles, background of Design Sprint
- Experience the compressed 4 Days hands on use case driven Design Sprint exercises in a day

Scrum alone is no guarantee that your team will consistently deliver truly engaging, impactful products. 

How Might We turn a Product Centric Scrum team into Customer Centric Design team that builds products and services customer love?

Why Design Sprint?

When an organization embarks on an agile transformation journey, very often focus is given to enabling the skill at the technical Agile practices. The development teams are trained in various Agile practices and techniques. While development team is delivering the products / services at a faster speed, which is the main objective in many agile teams, it runs into risk of losing sight with the original business intend and users’ need. As markets get more competitive, a good User Experience (UX) is becoming one of the key success factors for software businesses.


What is Design Sprint?

Design Sprint is a great instrument which Scrum teams can use to become more design-driven and customer-centric. By following the structured 4 days “time-boxed” process it provide a repeatable framework for all product team members with capability to sense the user’s needs, define the challenge, produce a mass of possible solutions, decide on the best solution, prototype and test it with the real users. All these are done in a 4 days tightly facilitated time-boxed sessions that guarantee outcome which is well validated with users and business and get the team ready to move forward into Scrum development confidently.

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