Amelia Marican


Brand Transformer
Categories: Presentation Skills
Experience: 6 to 10 years

Amelia Marican is recognised as the new breed of Millennial Brand Transformer that emerges in tandem with the needs of competitive and ever-changing corporate training and coaching industry.

Amelia graduated from NTU Nanyang Business School with a Bachelor of Business. Her passion and skill set for communication and leadership talent had her elected to the highest position as the President of NTU Human Resource Consulting Club. She was a proud recipient of SME Full University Scholarship, Sinda and Mendaki’s Excellent awards.To continue up-skilling her burning passion, she has attained an ACTA Trainer and ICF Coach certifications. Till date, she is also an active Toastmaster evaluator & mentor and a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner.

Her empowering communication and work-place leadership techniques activate trainees’ utmost business, personal, and social potential though mindset and behaviour change. Practicing a holistic approach, Amelia helps organisations improve workplace communication, customer engagement, negotiation strategies as well as customer service.Her training approaches are rooted in confidence, neuroscience, and positive psychology.

Amelia strives to understand her audiences’ motivational drivers, emotional intelligence, and communication methods to discover their own personal leadership style in these changing times.As a millennial communication coach and trainer, she facilitates millennials not only to leverage on boomers for common objectives and vice-versa but also to prepare them to become confident communicators, power networkers and dynamic leaders that can inspire action and push boundaries.

Amelia is indeed a new generation of trainers to be reckoned with.

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